kOCEAccessRightsInsufficient = -1542 •stream needs to be authenticated, or not authorized, or someone other than agent trying to TPFC, or problem in server-to-server authentication
kOCEWriteAccessDenied = -1541
kOCEReadAccessDenied = -1540
kOCEMoreDiskSpaceNeeded = -1521 •Inadequate disk space to safely complete operation
kOCEServerInactive = -1520
kOCERequiredServicesNotAvailable = -1519
kOCEInvalidConfiguration = -1518
kOCEHasPendingMsgs = -1517
kOCERefIsClosing = -1516 •Object references is being closed, cannot complete command
kOCEInvalidIndex = -1515 •invalid index (out of range)
kOCEInvalidRecipient = -1514 •Invalid recipient/address for this command
kOCEConnectionClosed = -1513 •Connect has closed
kOCEConnectionErr = -1512 •Unable to open or maintain a network transport
kOCEDoesntExist = -1511 •the object being referenced doesn't exist or cannot be found
kOCEAlreadyExists = -1510 •The object being added already exists
kOCENotAuthenticated = -1509 •The user must be authenticated
kOCENotImplemented = -1508 •Feature not implemented
kOCENotAnOwner = -1507 •this operation can only be done by the object's owner
kOCEInternalErr = -1506 •the OCE toolbox has an internal error
kOCESyncAsyncErr = -1505 •Op tried synchronously may only be done async, or vice versa
kOCEVersionErr = -1504 •some manner of software version mismatch
kOCEBufferTooSmall = -1503 •the buffer supplied is too small for the task
kOCEInvalidRef = -1502 •a reference to an object is obsolete or invalid
kOCEInvalidCommand = -1501 •Request code passed to a trap call is invalid
kOCEToolboxNotOpen = -1500 •Toolbox not open; perhaps its closing
outOfMemory = -23048
dnrErr = -23047
noAnsErr = -23046
authNameErr = -23045
noNameServer = -23044
noResultProc = -23043
cacheFault = -23042
nameSyntaxErr = -23041
ipRouteErr = -23037 •can't route packet off-net
ipNoFragMemErr = -23036 •no memory to send fragmented pkt
ipDestDeadErr = -23033 •destination not responding
ipDontFragErr = -23032 •Packet too large to send w/o fragmenting
duplicateSocket = -23017
commandTimeout = -23016
openFailed = -23015
2)invalidWDS = -23014
invalidBufPtr = -23013
connectionTerminated = -23012
streamAlreadyOpen = -23011
invalidStreamPtr = -23010
insufficientResources = -23009 •insufficient resources to perform request
connectionDoesntExist = -23008 •connection does not exist
connectionExists = -23007 •request conflicts with existing connection
invalidLength = -23006
connectionClosing = -23005 •connection is closing
ipBadAddr = -23004 •error in getting address
ipLoadErr = -23003 •error in MacTCP load
ipNoCnfgErr = -23002 •missing IP or LAP configuration error
ipBadCnfgErr = -23001 •bad IP configuration error
ipBadLapErr = -23000 •bad network configuration
kSRNotImplementedYet = -5199 •you'd better wait for this feature in a future release
kSRCantReadLanguageObject = -5133 •An error while trying to create new Language object from file or pointer -- possibly bad format non-release debugging error codes are included here
kSRSndInSourceDisconnected = -5132 •Sound input source is disconnected
kSRCantAdd = -5131 •Can't add given type of object to the base SRLanguageObject (e.g.in SRAddLanguageObject)
kSRTooManyElements = -5130 •Too many elements added to phrase or path or other langauge model object
kSRExpansionTooDeep = -5129 •Language model is left recursive or is embedded too many levels
kSRNotFinishedWithRejection = -5128 •property not found because the LMObj is not finished with rejection
kSRWordNotFound = -5127 •the spelling couldn't be found in lookup(s)
kSRAlreadyFinished = -5126 •the language model can't be finished twice
kSRAlreadyReleased = -5125 •this object has already been released before
kSRLanguageModelTooBig = -5124 •Cant build language models so big
kSRSubItemNotFound = -5123 •returned when accessing a non-existent sub item of a container
kSRHasNoSubItems = -5122 •SRCountItems or related routine was called on an object without subelements -- e.g. a word -- rather than phrase, path, or LM
kSROtherRecAlreadyModal = -5121 •another recognizer is modal at the moment, so can't set this recognizer's kSRBlockModally property right now
kSRRecognitionDone = -5120 •search has finished, but nothing was recognized
kSRRecognitionCanceled = -5119 •an abort error occurred during search
kSRNoPendingUtterances = -5118 •nothing to continue search on
kSRNoClientLanguageModel = -5117 •trying to access a non-specified SRLanguageModel
kSRModelMismatch = -5116 •no acoustical models are avail to match request
kSRNotListeningState = -5115 •in response to SRStopListening
kSRAlreadyListening = -5114 •in response to SRStartListening
kSRCantSetDuringRecognition = -5113 •the property can't be set while recognition is in progress -- do before or between utterances.
kSRCantGetProperty = -5112 •a non-gettable property was specified
kSRCantSetProperty = -5111 •a non-settable property was specified
kSRFeedbackNotAvail = -5110 •there is no feedback window associated with SRRecognizer
kSRNotARecSystem = -5109 •the object used was not a SRRecognitionSystem
kSRBufferTooSmall = -5108 •returned from attribute access functions
kSRBadSelector = -5107 •an unrecognized selector was specified
kSRParamOutOfRange = -5106 •when we say 0-100, don't pass in 101.
kSRBadParameter = -5105 •an invalid parameter was specified
kSRNotASpeechObject = -5104 •the object specified is no longer or never was valid
kSROutOfMemory = -5103 •an out of memory error occurred in the toolbox memory space
kSRComponentNotFound = -5102 •a needed system resource was not located
kSRInternalError = -5101 •a system internal or hardware error condition
kSRNotAvailable = -5100 •the service requested is not avail or applicable